In our May 4, 2021 post, Wiped Out of Toilet Paper!, we explained how toilet paper used at home is made from 100% virgin wood pulp, how the pandemic led to the hoarding of toilet paper, and how we can make more earth friendly choices to conserve trees.
Still thinking you need your favorite brand? Read on!
But doesn’t my family deserve velvety, cloud-like softness?
Major toilet paper brands market their rolls cleverly to increase sales, where somehow cute cartoon woodland creatures are toilet paper experts! And we believe them!
Jennifer Skene, co-author of the National Resource Defense Council report The Issue with Tissue: How Americans are Flushing Forests Down the Toilet, acknowledges that Americans get pretty defensive when it comes to their toilet paper choices, commenting “Who knew that there would be so much emotion wrapped up in a little white roll you use every day.”
Sure, no one wants to have non-absorbent or rock-hard toilet paper. But, do you really need to clean yourself with a cloud to get the job done? (What does that mean anyway?) Perhaps there is a happy medium. Like all purchases you make, take a close look at how your toilet paper buying habits are helping or hurting the planet.
See how your favorite brand ranks in “The Issue with Tissue 2.0” by Shelley Vinyard for the National Resource Defense Council. According to this report, “Tissue companies are flushing away our forests and our future by making toilet paper from ancient forests essential to the climate fight.”
If closing the recycling loop and leaving more trees to clean the air are important to you, please consider trying out some alternatives to the top-brand toilet papers, all of which are made from 100% virgin wood fibers. Toilet paper made with some or all recycled content paper or made with bamboo are great options. If you simply cannot budge on your toilet paper choice, then please help the planet by choosing recycled content paper or reusable napkins, paper towels, and other tissue products to help offset your toilet paper choice.
The trees will thank you.
You can also learn more by reading, “Tissue” by the American Forest & Paper Association.
Photo credit: AdamLongSculpture | iStock | Getty Images Plus