We are excited to share that our publication for youth, Trash Talk!, is getting a new look! Produced for solid waste management districts and service providers, this quarterly newsletter is targeted to upper elementary school students. Each issue is packed with educational activities and local waste reduction and recycling information and comes with a teacher guide.
We haven’t done a refresh of the design and art for Trash Talk! since we first produced it nearly 30 years ago. Starting this fall, Trash Talk! is moving its artwork from illustrated characters to photography of diverse, young people engaged in relevant activities. This new, realistic artwork will better blend with local photos and human-interest stories in our clients’ publications and can include stock images or photos they may provide.
Client Amy Sieferman, outreach coordinator for Hendricks County Recycling District , said it best on how this change benefits a community’s young people:
“Kids seeing actual pictures of peers (especially doing environmental activities) would be very impactful and would draw them into the articles. Fostering a sense of ownership is a huge part of behavior change with any age. Additionally, representation is important and I welcome diversity.”
Amy Sieferman, Hendricks County Recycling District
We agree! Our new look will premier with the Fall 2021 editions of Trash Talk! We are grateful for the trust placed in us to deliver this important content to the young people of diverse communities. If you are new to Eco Partners Inc.’s publications, we would love to work with you to educate your community, too! Please reach out to us by emailing Elizabeth Roe at eroe@ecopartnersinc.com. We would be happy to send you a pdf of the full Knox County Trash Talk! sample for your review.
Special thanks go to Knox County Recycling and Solid Waste Management District and its Executive Director, Michelle Smith. We were inspired to make this refresh for all our Trash Talk! publications after Michelle asked us to create an alternate look for Knox County’s 6th grade newsletter. An image of the Knox County edition using photo artwork is pictured above as a sample of the new design.