Tired of running out of gas for the lawn mower, dodging the cord on an electric mower, or waiting for a battery to recharge? You can save money, reduce air pollution, and enjoy the natural music of the outdoors with an environmentally friendly reel mower. Reel mowers require minimal investment and almost no maintenance.
The Pros
With no engine, reel mowers need only regular greasing of the joints and sharpening of the blades to keep them running smoothly. Reel mowers are much safer than powered mowers because they stop cutting as soon as you stop walking. Plus, you never have to buy or run out of gas and don’t have to pay for electricity to power it. And they are less expensive to purchase than other types of mowers.
According to an article on Bob Villa’s website of “Tried, True, Trustworthy Home Advice,”: “Reel mowers also might be better for a lawn’s health than standard mowers. They make a sharp cut along the top of the grass blade, similar to the way scissors cut. Traditional rotary mowers have blades with a tendency to tear the grass, which causes ragged brown tips and increases the risk of disease.”
The Cons
To be balanced, there are some cons to using a reel mower. They can’t chop up twigs and leaves, so raking before mowing is recommended to remove them. Reel mowers also work best on low-cut lawns. If the grass is too high or too thick, you won’t be able to push through it. And that brings up another con. It does take labor to push a reel mower. For these reasons, a reel mower is best for a small lawn.
To learn more about reel mowers, search online, visit your local garden center, or read this article on Angi.
Image credit: BradWolfe | iStock | Getty Images Plus