New resolutions for a greener 2024

New resolutions for a greener 2024

Happy New Year! It’s the time of year when many of us are making plans and resolving to be better and do better in various ways in the coming months. As you think about possible resolutions for 2024, consider some of these ideas that will reduce waste, save money, and...
Go reuseable with your batteries

Go reuseable with your batteries

How many electronic devices arrived in your home over the holidays? How many are battery-powered? Batteries are part of everyday life, powering everything from video game controllers to TV remotes. There are two choices for the new devices (and old ones!) that use...
Take a moment amid the holiday chaos

Take a moment amid the holiday chaos

When your world moves too fast and you lose yourself in the chaos, introduce yourself to each color of the sunset. Reacquaint yourself with the earth beneath your feet. Thank the air that surrounds you with every breath you take. Find yourself in the appreciation of...
Green holiday checklist

Green holiday checklist

While indulging in the excesses of the holidays can be irresistible, our celebrations don’t have to create waste! During this joyous and reflective time of year, we want to focus on the season’s true meaning — spending time with loved ones, feeling...
Reduce your holiday food waste

Reduce your holiday food waste

’Tis the season for good food, quality time with family and friends, and holiday cheer! As we prepare for holiday parties and feasts, let’s review a few easy tips to keep the season merry while minimizing food waste and saving money. Minimize food waste when you: Plan...
The (Holiday) Joy of Less

The (Holiday) Joy of Less

As we enter this season of gift-giving and making wish lists, here are some words to ponder: “Decluttering.” “Living with less.” “Downsizing.” No matter what word you use, minimalism causes us to step back and think about what “stuff” we really need in our lives...